Star wars the old republic wiki stormtrooper armor
Star wars the old republic wiki stormtrooper armor

In the Blood: In terms of personality and appearance, she took after Bastila.Identical Grandson: She looks and sounds almost exactly like her ancestor Bastila Shan (and is voiced by the same actor).He even accompanies her as a Force ghost in Fallen Empire. They get forced into Enemy Mine a couple of time and actually manage to get on quite well. Friendly Enemy: By contrast much has changed between the Empire and Republic by the time Darth Marr comes back.In Fallen Empire, he indeed does seek her out as a Force ghost and they provide additional training to the Player Character together. One imagines they might get along quite well if she weren't a Jedi and he a Sith. Each is a Reasonable Authority Figure to their respective faction, and a mighty warrior. As a leader, she's everything Saresh is not, but sees herself as being.Enemy Mine: In Shadow of Revan, she forms a temporary alliance with Darth Marr and the Empire to deal with Revan.Dissonant Serenity/ Tranquil Fury: Her being able to fight like this left Eldon Ax in awe.She's also one for the Republic, being the Reasonable Authority Figure that Saresh is not. Big Good: She's Grand Master of the Jedi Council, after all.Battle Couple: Annihilation confirms that she used to be one with Jace Malcom.Barehanded Blade Block: To a lightsaber.The main difference is that while Satele leads the Council as Grand Master, there is no Grand Master on the Dark Council despite Malgus being considered its leader after the Emperor. Arch-Enemy: To Darth Malgus, having met him in combat at least twice, and both being on the council of leaders of their orders.Action Mom: She's the mother of Theron Shan, though the two aren't exactly close.She is also the biological mother of Theron Shan, via a love affair with Jace Malcolm during the previous war. A few years later, Satele is the current Grand Master of the Jedi Council. She started out as a Padawan, then a Consular during the return of the Sith Empire. Descendant of Bastila Shan and Darth Revan.

Star wars the old republic wiki stormtrooper armor